Your safety is our first and foremost priority
Your safety is our first and foremost priority
We strive to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes even in the most challenging circumstances. We are constantly pushing the frontiers of eye surgery. We love that which is simple and beautifully executed routinely. Equally, we do not shy away from complexities that have traditionally been regarded as needing to be dealt with overseas.
Macular hole is little known in our part of the world and too often neglected. Macular hole surgery is tremendously satisfying for the patient, especially when undertaken without too much delay. With modern techniques, this fine, delicate operation gives great visual outcomes. It is always important to treat a macular hole because 10% of patients will eventually have it in both eyes.
This is a common condition and should always be treated urgently. If you missed being able to prevent it with laser around a tear, catch it before the macula comes off. Results are great with modern vitrectomy. A creeping shadow with flashes and floaters is always a retinal detachment until proven otherwise.
In Mauritius, the cause is almost always diabetes. This is a real beast. We describe the surgery as peeling layers of stickers off crumpled up tissue paper. Think of it as time consuming surgery that can often make all the difference between going completely blind and remaining independent.
Cataract surgery can sometimes go wrong even in the best hands. Complicated cataract surgery should not equate to despair or blindness in this day and age. Prompt remedial surgery provides excellent visual outcomes.
Injuries to the eye can result in irreversible sight loss if not taken care of properly. Surgery sometimes needs to be staged. Since no two cases of trauma can ever be identical, the need for a personalised treatment plan is crucial.
Retinal detachment, when caused by tears, can cause blindness very quickly and merits urgent surgery. If the macula is still attached, the rule is to try and repair within 24 hours of presentation.
Air travel is not an issue unless a gas bubble has been used during surgery. As a rule, we will monitor progress until the gas bubble has dissipated. Only then is air travel safe again.
Silicone oil is a great tool especially for more complex procedures which warrant a staged approach. To give our patients the benefit of a full recovery from one operation, we only use silicone oil when it is absolutely necessary,
Absolutely. We commonly undertake both to save our patients the hassle of having to come back for further surgery. In most patients, when retinal surgery is undertaken on its own, cataract develops within 12 months.
Sight-threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy with haemorrhage in the vitreous or retinal detachment cannot be treated with medications alone. Surgery is almost always needed when there is retinal detachment, whereas vitreous haemorrhage warrants at least laser to the retina.
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